The Museum of the World ocean, FGBUK - Archive of OTDYKH Leisure-2018

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Sivkova Svetlana
Director general
Museum of the World Ocean


We came here on our ships – this means we are a technical museum. We brought collections of shells of mollusks and living fish, geological samples and sea charts – this means we are a natural science museum. We gathered tales of distant countries and amazing people – this is ethnography. We narrate maritime history and the history of the fleet – this means we are a historical museum. We preserved the cabins, labs, and cockpits of our ships – this means we are a memorial museum. Also we are the museum of icebreaking, fishing, the navy and even cosmonautics. The most important thing we can tell you today, however, is “Come visit us, be astonished and discover the world and yourselves”!



Over masts and spires movie eng

time line movie

Useful links


Participate together with:

Amber Mosaic - The Hope

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