Komi Republic, Ministry of culture, tourism and archival Affairs - Archive of OTDYKH Leisure-2018

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Executive body of the Komi Republic, implementing the state policy in the field of tourism.
Sergey Emelyanov
the Minister
Komi Republic, Ministry of culture, tourism and archival Affairs of the Republic of Komi


Komi eco republic

Contact details

Address: 167981, Republic Komi, Syktyvkar, Lenina street, 73
Fax: (8212) 304-898

Useful links

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Finno-Ugric ethno-cultural Park is a multifunctional tourist complex (the core cluster), the distinguishing feature of which is the wide practical use of the component ethnic and cultural heritage of the 24 Finno-Ugric and Samoyed peoples in the tourism products and services of the Park.

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